LPR Power Privacy Policy

This app collects the following types of data:

1: Data entered by users. Users record their current Last Perfect Reps for various types of weight lifts. The app records when the user has completed a workout. Users can optionally record the date of their next competition. This information is only visible to the user

2: Authorisation data. The App can only be used by users who have signed up for the app.

3: Logging data. This data records when a user took an action, i.e. to create, view or delete a workout. This data is used by the developers of LPR Power in order to diagnose any potential problems with the app.

Logging data is retained for 30 days from the point of creation.

All data is held securely and only accessible to developers of the App. We will not share any of this data with any third parties unless we are required to by law.

You can revoke your consent for us to use your data (which was given to us when you accepted the Terms and Conditions) by selecting the “Delete account”. This can be accessed from the profile page of the app.